Sunday 26 May 2013

ISYS100 ViraLeak Video

Final Report

The challenges and tribulations of being a group assignment
When conducting group assignments there are various issues to overcome such as meeting new people and being able to have group meetings that do not clash with our timetable and many more. There were not many challenges and tribulations experienced in this group assignment as the group we formed have known each other for years giving us an advantage when it comes to being able to communicate and give our opinions, as when it comes to other groups they may be shy as they do not know each other, keeping their options to themselves.
One main challenge in the group was the clash of timetables where only a few people where at university for one day with no breaks and others with free time on other days. A solution to this problem were the use of online resources and social networks to keep in contact such as Facebook and Wikispace to communicate in private group conversations and Google drive as well; where all group members are able to view the same document at the same time whilst editing. Another solution with the timetable clash was that we call came to university on a day where we were free and spend a few hours discussing our blog and videos. Another advantage our group had is that we all live in the same neighborhood, allowing us to be able to have group meeting off campus.
Another challenge were other commitments; others had other assignments and others had work; it was hard to be able to get bits and pieces done, however we through Google drive we were able to access the same document and edit when they were able to. Being a group of 4 people with a open marking matrix, splitting tasks were easy as each person in the group had skills in particular sections, such as filming skills and equipment, organisational skills and computer skills.
2. The process of creating the video.
Before beginning the physical creation of the video, our group decided to take some time to brainstorm ideas that would relate to the material on our blog as well as being suitable and practical to take place. Once we had suggested a series of ideas we narrowed the list down to the concept of an informative, yet amusing video on individual’s knowledge on viral videos as well as their opinions on the infamous “Gangnam style”.
After all the practicalities of the video were decided upon we took to the streets to interview willing individuals of different ages and races on our decided topic. The filming of the introduction and interviewing for the video was completed in one day, with each group member taking turns to interview and film.
Once the filming process was finished, the video was edited by removing unwanted footage and adding effects and music to create a video that was as seamless as possible.

3. How does the video relate to your blog?
Since a common trend these days are YouTube and famous videos, for our blog we decided to do viral videos. Our video was interviewing people about a particular video what was well known to everyone with the highest views ever which was Gangnam Style by PSY. The video is presented in a way where it seems that our group Viraleak has an actual YouTube program where we interview people about common viral videos.

Comedy is a trend on YouTube these days so we also tried to make the interviews as funny as possible such as dancing with the interviewers, asking informal questions and creating awkward situations.

Sunday 5 May 2013


1. Explain why you chose the blog topic.
We chose the topic of viral videos because what we all have in common is our love for surfing the web, especially YouTube. When we all formed a group in class we decided that we wanted to make a blog that was fun and interesting, and not about a boring generic topic. We all agreed to this not only because it sounded fun to do but also we believed it would be different to what many other students would blog about. Viral videos are something everyone knows about hence the word viral however we believed rather than people just find them by chance, a blog which provides links to all the current viral videos may be of use to some people who usually aren’t always in the loop of what’s going on.

2. What were the largest challenges with a team assignment?
One of the biggest challenges we faced was learning to use Wikispaces, twitter and blogger as none of us had used them before, so we didn’t completely understand what we had to do. It was after discussion within the group and also help from our practical teacher that we began to understand the components of this websites and how to use them. After we had learnt the basics, it wasn’t long until we learnt the shortcuts to do things and how to make everything more presentable. Another problem we faced was remembering to post on Wikispaces as we are very used to Facebook and often talked on Facebook so to post on Wikispaces didn’t come naturally to us. However after reminding ourselves every so often, we began to start posting on Wikispaces without needing to be reminded.

3. How did you come up with the final design that you used.
We decided that we wanted something very simple yet still appealing to viewers. From our last assignment and looking at other blogs we had learnt that the key to a good website is simplicity. We decided that we would keep at simple as possible without sacrificing its appeal to users so we made the background white with black text and red text for headings. This matches with our logo which is VIRALEAK in black text with the L inside a red box. Also to create some appeal we found a picture of a collage of many icon-sized photos and made that our backdrop. This we believe created the idea that there are millions of videos on the internet and our blog is providing all of them to the viewers.

4. Compare a blog that has similar content to yourself, critically analyse your site comparing theres.
A blog we found that was similar to ours was ViralViralVideos ( Similar to our blog it has a very basic design with a black background and white text however with no backdrop which makes it seem somewhat boring. When you compare it to ours, our blog seems to be more appealing. This blog also posts viral videos however it does not provide as much text describing the video unlike ours. It rather posts a few little phrases and funny jokes to describe the video rather than telling word for word what the video is about. This is where I believe this blog has an advantage over ours, as they connect with users through a comical sense and create the feeling that they are not very serious and this is a fun blog. Also they have links to viral pictures and also classic viral videos such as Rick Roll’d along with new trending viral videos, providing more content to users.

PSY- Gentleman!

Well what do you know, PSY has done it again! Over 250 million views of his new release 'GENTLEMAN' within 3 weeks! However, is the views sky high only from previous fans of 'Gangnam Style'? Why don’t you take a look for yourself! Fan reactions have both their positives and negatives. Some say Gangnam Style is way better and just a one off viral sensation whilst others say otherwise! The "Officalpsy" YouTuber posted up this video on the 13th of April 2013, and just after 3 weeks beating records of the fastest view counts ever, PSY’s new song "Gentlemen" hits over 250million views. There are a few re-appearing favourites during the video such as the Yellow suited fellow and the hip rocking lift guy and of course a few new hip moves during the video. This viral sensation is known for his key word in his songs, which in this particular video has about 2% of the music in English. Such as of course ‘Gentleman’ and ‘Hey sexy lady’! With only just 3 weeks release, let’s see how many more views PSY can get and decide for once and for all, one off viral music video (Gangnam Style) or an actual pop artist/ Comedian!


This video cause quite the controversy, the video entitled "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" was uploaded in September 2007; where he tearfully defended Britney Spears' MTV Awards performance. Chris Crockers video instantaneously became viral and made him an Internet celebrity. The video itself gained attention from the media, generated hundreds of parodies and criticism towards Crockers image.

The video has generated over 250,000 dislikes and general hate on many forums and websites.

Many critics have claimed that Crocker is performing and displays forms of narcissism and melodramatics. Others claim that he used Britneys' shortcomings to launch his own fame, however this is only theorised by  many. Perhaps we may never know if he had other intentions than merely defending Britney, but one things for certain, this video became one of the most viral videos of all time and one of  the most controversial, and launched a mans career into turmoil and drama.

Bed Intruder report!

In a town in Alabama called Huntsville, a local resident named Kevin Antoine Dodson gave one memorable interview which led to him becoming a overnight  sensation! A dramatic interview about his encounter with a intruder who climbed into is sisters room at night attempting to get into bed with his sister, led to him rushing to his sisters room after a loud scream in the middle of the night. After a little struggle, the intruder had escaped and yet to be caught, however Mr. Dodson a collage student clearly ensures that the intruder will be caught due to evidence left, as well as informing the neighbourhood.   

The footage was first released in 29th of June 2010, a day after it appeared on the NBC, posted my a YouTuber named Z01D1111 received just over 300 thousand views, however a few years later a another YouTuber named "CrazyLaughAction" re-released the interview which then spread around the web reaching over 53 million views! And of course like any other funny interview, it was remixed which really sent views sky rocketing to over 100 million! The remix was posted up by a YouTube comedian named "schmoyoho".


Dramatic Chipmunk

Dramatic Chipmunk is a popular five second video clip, which features a 'chipmunk' (in actuality a prairie dog) turning its head while the camera zooms in and dramatic music is played. The clip became known throughout the internet through uploads on both Youtube and CollegeHumour in June 2007.

The clip is originally from a Japanese television show 'Hello! Morning'. CollegeHumour has also released a longer clip known as 'Undramatic Chipmunk'; which features the original footage from the show and how it looks without the music used.

The music used in the clip is taken from the 1974 Mel Brooks film Young Frankenstein, which was composed by John Morris, an oscar winning composer. The 'Chipmunk' turns its head and stares at the camera while the music is played.

Since its release, the video has received over thirty million views.


You're on a forum, or a comment section on a website or social media medium. Someone links something that people are heavily interested in or relevant to the topic at hand; however once the link is opened we are subjected to this video;

This is the music video for Rick Astleys 1987 song 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. The video had been become popular throughout the past couple of years generating multiple memes and parodies. There had also been many real life parodies of 'being Rickroll'd' throughout the years.

The first known recorded instance of a rickroll took place in May 2007 on 'lvl' 4chans video game forums where a link to the Astley video was claimed to be a mirror of the first trailer for the game Grand Theft Auto IV, which at the time was unavailable due to heavy traffic. This joke was confined to the 4chan website for sometime however it soon spread to multiple forums and became an internet phenomenon.

The video itself had generated annoyance and frustration throughout the internet as at times being 'Rickroll'd' was a more than common. The original video on Youtube that was used for rickroling was removed for terms of use violations in February 2010, but was reposted within a day.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Numa Numa

Originally titled 'Dragostea Din Tei' is a Romanian song performed by the group O-Zone. Soon after its release a video emerged that immediately went viral and is noted as one of the most popular comedic viral videos of all time. The video features a man named Gary Brolsma comically performing alongside the song. Brolsma has been a guest on many talk shows and radio channels a few months after the video went viral.

The video has been viewed over 18 million times and from there on was spread to many other websites and forums in turn doubling the views. At the time, the song was relatively unknown around the world however this video in actuality helped market the song. The video itself has spawned many parodies within television and the social media network. He has appeared on shows such  as South Park and NCIS

Brolsma was voted the number 1 internet icon by 40 Great Internet Superstars by VH1, beating the star wars kid at number 2.